GayMePy Gay Python Guide in Computational Chemistry


For many years I’ve been trying to make something of my life, well after all I’m almost getting my PhD done and realized that I should have done more. Thus, as an ordinary gay man lost in a country that is constantly trying to kill me for my sexual orientation I wonder what still holds me back? Well, let Nina Simone sing this for you:

Ain't got no home, ain't got no shoes
Ain't got no money, ain't got no class
Ain't got no friends, ain't got no schooling
Ain't got no wear, ain't got no job
Ain't got no money, no place to stay

Well, despite having some friends - good ones - and having got such a high education degree as a PhD I still without money, a place to live, a job and the list goes on. I’m not trying to make fun of any of those issues or being sarcastic, nor dramatic. But let’s face the truth. Who am I? Did you know me? Have you ever heard about me? I bet the answer is a flatter no, and that’s ok. What I’m trying to say is that I’m by no means a special, sugar-coated person. However, I’m a person like you, who needs to pay the bills, have some food and survive. Well, survive from anyone who is trying to kill you because you are, ahnmm, you are … well, you know. Gay. So, to make fun of the disgraces we face, I like to joke with this:

Pika Figure 1: This is your sign for being gay. It means: kill me.

Yeah, yeah, I know. It seems I’m some sort of weirdo that jokes with dangerous stuff. However, I found it funny to laugh instead of falling into despair. Isn’t that right? That’s how I feel:

Pika Figure 2: Burning in hell!

By the way, here are some curiosities about me:

  • I grew up in a heavily influenced Japanese colony in Brazil;
  • I speak four languages and they can be arranged like this: Portuguese > Spanish > French > English;
  • I like to watch animations (not necessarily Japanese anime, which I’m not that fan of);
  • I spend most of my time writing codes and wondering around;
  • I do love cats, cats, and cats. Have I said that I love cats? I think God is a cat (he may hate us all);
  • I’m very shy and people seem to not understand that;
  • According to Dante Alighieri, currently, I’m in the middle of the way (guess my age folks).

So, yeah. That’s it. I’m a human being, gay, poor, English is my fourth language (so please be kind to my grammar mistakes), and it happens to me that I like to do scientific stuff out there, mostly related to computational chemistry - or spooky programming stuff (yeah that’s a bad joke). This blog is about it, is about being human, face life’s challenges - particularly if you live in a developing country, a conservative and oppressive one that hates you, which is called Brazil. Welcome to this humble page, where I will try to present things that I like, and bring some discussions to the table.

Please, let me help to spread the word of science, love, humanity and kindness and let me know anything that I can do for you, perhaps we could schedule a talk through Zoom or Google Meet (it just must be free, you know that, ain’t got no money), we could send emails to each other or letters, gifts, chocolates, a cake recipe, either a scientific partnership :), who knows!?

Well, if you want to know more about me, perhaps there are a few ways to do so. One is following me on Twitter or sending me an email.

Pika Figure 3: That’s me!